Microsoft Hololens Could be Future of Medical Learning.

Microsoft (Company Behind Windows ) have recently showcased a Headset device called HOLOLENS, a smart glass which can present 3D Presentation in Real World.

In the video, the Microsoft talks about how through its partnership is transforming the way human anatomy is taught to prospective doctors.

On the video, medicine students can create holographic projection of the human body. This way students can see how bones, muscles Arteries as well as other organs of the human body work without the need to dissect a cadaver.

Student using Hololens said “I had a moment where I found the aortic valve and it was actually the first time i’d seen the valve in relation to all the other anatomical structures. It was a way of seeing it that you couldn’t do with an actual heart, he added.”

Through the use of HoloLens’ augmented reality environment, students and teachers can create simulations of several medical situation without the need of a live human patient which in turn creates a low-stress environment for future medical practitioners.

Sleep’s-Memory role discovered!

The mechanism by which a good night’s sleep improves learning and memory has been discovered by scientists.

The team in China and the US used advanced microscopy to witness new connections between brain cells – synapses – forming during sleep.

Their study,  showed even intense training could not make up for lost sleep.

Experts said it was an elegant and significant study, which uncovered the mechanisms of memory.

It is well-known that sleep plays an important role in memory and learning. But what actually happens inside the brain has been a source of considerable debate.

They then looked inside the living brain with a microscope to see what happened when the animals were either sleeping or sleep deprived.

Their study showed that sleeping mice formed significantly more new connections between neurons – they were learning more.

A connection between two brain cells And by disrupting specific phases of sleep, the research group showed deep or slow-wave sleep was necessary for memory formation.

During this stage, the brain was “replaying” the activity from earlier in the day.

Prof Wen-Biao Said: “Finding out sleep promotes new connections between neurons is new, nobody knew this before.

“We thought sleep helped, but it could have been other causes, and we show it really helps to make connections and that in sleep the brain is not quiet, it is replaying what happened during the day and it seems quite important for making the connections.”

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This is just the latest piece of science to highlight the importance of sleep.


A new reason for sleep was discovered last year when experiments showed the brain used sleep to wash away waste toxins built up during a hard day’s thinking.

However, there are concerns that people are not getting enough sleep.

Prof Russell Foster argued that society had become “supremely arrogant” in ignoring the importance of sleep, leading to “serious health problems”.

These include:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Infections
  • Obesity

The reward for more sleep, Prof Foster argues, is we would all be “better human beings.”

Migraine sufferers ‘may benefit from magnet therapy’

There is a variety of treatments on offer, but no cure

A magnet device can be used to treat some types of migraine, new Research advises.

The NICE says although there is limited evidence, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may help ease symptoms in some patients.

It says that the procedure is still relatively new and that more data is needed about its long-term safety and efficacy.

But it may be useful for patients for whom other treatments have failed.

“Huge numbers of sufferers find their lives blighted by migraine”

Migraine is common – it affects about one in four women and one in 12 men in the UK.

There are several types –

  • with and without aura
  • with or without headache – and several treatment options, including common painkillers, such as paracetamol.

Although there is no cure for migraine, it is often possible to prevent or lessen the severity of attacks.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS), under the supervision of a specialist doctor – it  would be a cost-effective therapy for Migraine

“TMS involves using a portable device that is placed on the scalp to deliver a brief magnetic pulse.”

NICE says doctors and patients might wish to try TMS, but they should be aware about the treatment’s uncertainties. Reduction in migraine
symptoms may be moderate.

Prof Peter Goadsby,  said many migraine patients stood to benefit from trying TMS.

In a trial in 164 patients, TMS worked twice as compared to placebo therapy and about 40% were pain-free two hours after using the device.

Wendy Thomas, said: “Huge numbers of sufferers find their lives blighted by migraine. The TMS may help deliver brighter futures to many people for whom other treatments have not worked.



Look, i wanna make a nation proud
one day we’ll say things loud and be free
with the power of our speech
we can change our world and how it’s perceived
we’ve got doubts and beliefs
but not one thing’s truly out of our reach
don’t tell me the sky’s the limit
cause nothing can pull me down when I dream
i’m working on turning ’em into a reality and opening eyes
and sharing a vision with every person
who had chose to be blind
i wanna focus their minds
to show that despite we’re broken inside
we can stand powerful together without a cloak or disguise
i hope in the future that I can look back
on a new generation that’s peaceful
that’s grateful they’re equal
cause those before made a change for the people
with paints and an easel we picture perfect
drew our attention to making the most of our time
creating more than useless inventions
i’m only young so I guess it’s down for you to decide
would you choose to fight for what you believe in
would you do what is right if I needed you
would you stand tall with me right here by my side
be the change you want to see, take a look through my eyes

I am Malala
I am infinite hope
I am Malala, I am, I am, I am
I am Malala
I am infinite hope
I am Malala, I am, I am, I am
I am Malala

they say the harder the culture, they say the harder the girl
i say the smarter the girl, then the stronger our world
from a country where we made fortunes
of others misfortunes and betray our own people
then we mourn for a portion of time
always taught to fight for my rights
Malala fought for education then she fought for her life
it’s hard to strive to be better
when oppressed by the suppressors
treated like the lesser, just be clever
ignore the ignorance from the ignorant
society is ridiculous but it’s the world that we living in
chauffeurs our drive and denies our desire
being silent doesn’t help, it adds fuel to the fire
how can somebody young like me even find any truth
when nobody’s looking for truth in the youth
life isn’t a choice, so who are we to say what’s void
and Malala gave a voice to me cuz…

hard work and talent equals infinite growth
in school a child and a teacher equals infinite hope

Functional Liver Tissue Can Now Be Grown From Stem Cells

Liver “buds”—small lumps of functional three-dimensional human liver tissue—were grown from a mix of stem cells.

Stem cell research has resulted in several important breakthroughs in medicine, such as rebuilding the larynx and regenerating spinal cord connectors.

Now the liver, one of the most highly sought after organs on the donor transplant list, could get some serious stem cell assistance as well. Continue reading

Apocalypse:Five ways the World could “end”

20120408-183523.jpgWith a year packed full of strong solar flares affecting communications, future volcanic predictions and giant asteroids passing dangerously close to Earth, what kind of cataclysmic events are most likely to push humans to the brink of extinction? We look at some of the most popular doomsday theories and examine whether these five natural phenomena could end the world as we know it – or whether they are just pure science fiction. Continue reading