Migraine sufferers ‘may benefit from magnet therapy’

There is a variety of treatments on offer, but no cure

A magnet device can be used to treat some types of migraine, new Research advises.

The NICE says although there is limited evidence, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may help ease symptoms in some patients.

It says that the procedure is still relatively new and that more data is needed about its long-term safety and efficacy.

But it may be useful for patients for whom other treatments have failed.

“Huge numbers of sufferers find their lives blighted by migraine”

Migraine is common – it affects about one in four women and one in 12 men in the UK.

There are several types –

  • with and without aura
  • with or without headache – and several treatment options, including common painkillers, such as paracetamol.

Although there is no cure for migraine, it is often possible to prevent or lessen the severity of attacks.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS), under the supervision of a specialist doctor – it  would be a cost-effective therapy for Migraine

“TMS involves using a portable device that is placed on the scalp to deliver a brief magnetic pulse.”

NICE says doctors and patients might wish to try TMS, but they should be aware about the treatment’s uncertainties. Reduction in migraine
symptoms may be moderate.

Prof Peter Goadsby,  said many migraine patients stood to benefit from trying TMS.

In a trial in 164 patients, TMS worked twice as compared to placebo therapy and about 40% were pain-free two hours after using the device.

Wendy Thomas, said: “Huge numbers of sufferers find their lives blighted by migraine. The TMS may help deliver brighter futures to many people for whom other treatments have not worked.